Wilderness & Remote First Aid Courses

Remote First Aid (RFA) & (WFA), formerly Wilderness & Remote First Aid and Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid
We offer two levels of training:
Remote First Aid (RFA) prepares individuals to provide care until help arrives, for up to 24 hours, while
Wilderness and Remote First Aid (WFA) prepares individuals to provide care for more than 24 hours.
Training targets those who take trips into the wilderness or remote locations for business or leisure, those who travel in areas where help is hours away, and people who provide recreational or leisure experiences as a professional guide.
A portion of each course is intended to be taught outdoors.
Participants will receive:
- the Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Manual and the Wilderness Field Guide; which is a coil-bound, water-resistant reference tool that summarizes the first aid steps.

Basic Program
20 hours (more than 25% of course taught in non-urban setting, if possible 50%)
Flexible scheduling.
Basic level of Wilderness & Remote First Aid that covers material in Standard First Aid & CPR, plus special material on techniques for wilderness and remote areas. Course also offers strategies for providing extended care for up to 24 hours.
Part of the course is taught in an outdoor setting and requires greater physical activity and endurance than typical first aid training. Suitable for those who work or live in remote locations or who are outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
Red Cross Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor, Wilderness First Responder Instructor.
100% attendance, skills demonstration, and 75% min. passing grade on written exam.
3-year certification in Wilderness & Remote First Aid, CPR Level C, and AED.
8–10 hours; includes CPR Level C.
Course Content
Your health
Airway emergencies
Breathing and circulation emergencies
Cardiac and respiratory arrest (includes CPR-C)
Wound care
Head and spine injuries
Bone, muscle and joint injuries
Sudden medical emergencies
Environmental emergencies
Extended care
Evacuation: transporting the ill or injured person
Includes any other content required by specific legislation
Take-Home Materials
Wilderness & Remote First Aid Field Guide
Certification card and optional wall certificate (or as required by legislation, which will be emailed to course participants)

Wilderness First Aid (Formerly Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid)

40 hours (more than 50% of course taught in non-urban outdoor setting).
Flexible scheduling options.
Comprehensive first aid and CPR techniques for those who need a higher level of training to work and respond to emergencies in isolated or wilderness settings. Training is also suitable for those who act as guides or supervisors for groups of people.
**This course is very much leadership driven.
The course covers material in Standard First Aid & CPR, plus advanced strategies for providing extended care for more than 24 hours.
Part of the course is taught in an outdoor setting and requires greater physical activity and endurance than typical first aid training.
Red Cross Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor or Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor Trainer.
100% attendance, skills demonstration, and 75% min. passing grade on written exam.
3-year certification in Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid, CPR Level C, and AED.
16–20 hours; includes CPR Level C.
Course Content
> Planning
> Your health
> Assessment
> Airway emergencies
> Breathing and circulation emergencies
> Cardiac and respiratory arrest (includes CPR-C)
> Wound care
> Head and spine injuries
> Bone, muscle and joint injuries
> Sudden medical emergencies
> Environmental emergencies
> Poisons
> Extended care
> Evacuation: transporting the ill or injured person
- Includes any other content required by specific legislation
Take-Home Materials
Wilderness & Remote First Aid Field Guide
Certification card and optional wall certificate (or as required by legislation)
Wilderness First Responder
This is an 80 Hour course, with at least 50% of the content taught in the wilderness
Rescuers who specialize in decision-making, evacuation, and transport in a remote or wilderness setting. Suitable for those who work in remote emergency services, remote worksites, ski patrol, search and rescue etc.
Challenging environments with varied terrain and risk levels
They are responding as part of a designated team in a targeted capacity where survival may be compromised
Planned Trip: Targeted rescue
Care: Participants learn skills and strategies for urgent evacuation and, at times, extended care (5+ days)
Key Learning Concepts:
Leadership skills
Expectation to provide care
Use of professional tool kit and resources
Extrication and rescue decision- making
Take Home Materials:
Wilderness & Remote Field Guide
Emergency Care for Professional Responders reference text
Emergency Care for Professional Responders Workbook (optional)